April 2020

April 8th, 2020
I wasn’t sure if I was going to go through with doing this extra credit assignment, but I
suddenly got a wave of inspiration to want to start writing. This quarantine is driving me
absolutely nuts! I feel like I have literally been thrown into isolation. I want to point out that I am
writing this part at 5:18am on a sad Friday morning (I can’t sleep).
My day-to-day now consists of waking up at the grand hour of 2pm. Yup, every day. To be
more exact I have been waking up at around 1:49pm which I think is weird. A coincidence
maybe? Okay, so next I will just lay in bed on my laptop checking blackboard, just barely
making deadlines for all the work I have. Then next I will emerge myself into the world of video
games or sit down with a snack and watch a movie. In all situations I am home, in my room,
sitting on my bed, all alone. But am I alone? Not really because I’ve got my family… and my
dog. My point is this whole no contact with the outside world is so mentally constraining and
depriving for my young developing mind. I am a growing individual here! Okay, maybe I am a
little aggressive, but I just really believe that’s an important issue that could come about after
this. Having people have no contact with others could literally turn them nuts.
I am just going to say that, all jokes aside, this pandemic is the scariest thing in my current
life span.
April 10, 2020
I am so tired of sitting around all day and pretending like it’s okay. This pandemic is so
stupid. Let me just say the people who go around honking their horns and yelling “Happy
Birthday” at some houses are really, really annoying. It is adorable and nice, but not when you
get stuck in the middle of it on your way home from getting the essential toilet paper that’s
always out of stock. Also, my neighbors were trying to leave their homes and these stupid cars
blocked their way out.
I have been eating a lot of McDonalds recently and that has not made me very happy.
Don’t get me wrong, I love some good chicken nuggets, but every day? No. Sometimes I make
potatoes with a certain seasoning. My friend Denise made them for me a few times and they
were the best things ever.
April 11, 2020
My parents are super worried about this pandemic. They are older people in their late
fifties early sixties so they should have worry. This virus is affecting a great number of the older
population. My father was a NYC fireman at Squad 41 in the Bronx for 26 years. He went
through 9/11 and had first-hand experiences of true, raw trauma and tragedy. He had
compromised lungs because of this. He is at high risk to get this virus and that scares me. He’s
my dad if he’s not around then i’m not sure what to do or how my household would stay
functioning. I would hate to see him survive one tragedy but not live through another. I have
seen other first responders during 9/11 dying from this virus. I just want this to be over, no more
scaring us.
April 16, 2020
COVID-19 was thought to have been started because people were eating bars in China.
It’s weird but I’ve learned in my life that it is better not to judge. Anyway, recently they found
out something so crazy about the real cause. I’m not one to keep up with the news so i’m not
exactly sure on all the details, but apparently it was started in a lab and China was testing it.
They were apparently testing it to use as a possible weapon to bring everyone else’s economy
down and have their economy go up. And I heard the spread was because someone in the lab
passed it to their girlfriend and then it spread. This is one crazy story. I am not sure how true this
is but I do, however, know that it did not come from eating bats and it came from a lab.
It is crazy to think that a China was creating this to utilize it as a weapon against the
world. A pandemic happens every 100 years but this one could have been avoided. Although
they do say history repeats itself.
I hope I’m safe from this and I hope I come out better. I hope my morals aren’t so messed
up like the people testing a deadly disease and letting it spread
April 18, 2020
They had this really cool show on tonight that was called “One World.” It was a show
that brought together tons of public figures and celebrities to show their care for this virus. They
also made huge shout outs to first responders of this crisis.
This show is very moving because it really was put on to bring people together. Everyone
is home right now so most people were able to watch this show which reinforced the idea that we
are all together. Together we are in this and we are all working against it. This is not a battle
between us and other nations, but a battle between us and COVID-19. On the show I got to see
so many celebrities singing songs that relate to what is happening and I will never get to see that
What we are going through is a once in a lifetime experience that we will never ever
forget. Hopefully we all survive it and get through. That will take many moons, but it can be
I have had McDonald’s for three days in a row, but that is not stopping my spirits. Today
I got seven nuggets in a six piece! Someone at McDonald’s was definitely looking out for me
today. It is the little things that matter during this time. Things like that will bring a tiny bit of
happiness and it lets you know that there is an upside to everything. Enjoy the little things for
they are incredible.
April 19, 2020
I have been waking up recently at 4pm and going to sleep somewhere between 5am and
9am every day. This is driving me crazy. I waste my days and spend my nights doing just about
nothing. I do try and utilize that time by doing homework… sometimes.
So far with my workload I have nearly finished everything. I am done with one class
completely and almost done with two others. This is so exciting as it means that the end is near.
Summer is coming! Although I would have liked my freshman year as a student at SUNY
Oneonta to end differently, I am grateful for the experiences I went through and the time I spent
on campus. I will never forget my freshman year. It was full of so much drama and fun that it is
impossible to ever forget. It can easily be said that it is the best and worst year of my life.
I miss campus a lot. Walking around every day on campus was so much fun. I lived in
Golding Hall which was the absolute best freshman dorm on campus. It was the newest dorm
building and I was lucky enough to be in it. I had all my friends in the building, and everything
was great. I even had a single room because my roommate and I got in a fight. I am not going to
get into that, but just know she made my life absolutely miserable. She was one reason why it
was the worst year ever. But, her moving out was the best thing to ever happen as I never got a
new roommate and I lived on my own for half a semester. I did not have to worry about anyone
but myself and that was an amazing feeling. I miss that a lot. I miss walking down that hallway
and being happy going to my friends’ room down the hall. So serene. I also miss doing things
outside of campus with my friends. The parties are truly missed during this time of isolation.
April 24, 2020
My favorite thing to do is be by myself during this time. There is nothing like peace and
quiet. But that is hard to get when you live in a home with five other people and the house is
about two feet big. I just wish I could be in my dorm room right now listening to music and
doing my homework. That is really peaceful. I mean, I do that now, but it isn’t the same.
Oneonta is truly one of my favorite places to be. It is where all my friends are and where my
future is. I miss it so much. Everything about it I miss. I just wish I could go back in time to the
beginning of the spring semester and cherish those moments again. At this rate of the virus we do
not even know if we will be going back to school, but I will hope.
April 28, 2020
This is my last day writing. I want to say that I enjoyed journaling my days over this
short period of time. It gave me time to reflect on what I was doing and thinking. This semester
has been a wild ride. I met a ton of new people, learned how to snowboard, improved my grades,
and learned so much about myself. This whole quarantine experience will stay with me for the
rest of my life. I may just keep journaling because I want to look back on this and remember
what I went through. I hope I will get good grades during this time and achieve the best I could
despite the circumstances.
My favorite part of this experience was getting to spend time with myself. I am finding
self-love and am actively caring for myself better. I also have been working on my compassion
skills with my family as we haven’t always had the greatest relationships. I will not miss
quarantine, but I am surprisingly glad it happened, and I will continue to thrive during this time.
Thank you for reading.