An eventful quarantine day

It wasn’t a normal quarantine day. My 4 older brothers and I started the day by building a shed in the backyard for my dad. As we were working, my mom began dinner by making her famous burgers and ribs. We all gathered around the table after we were done working and enjoyed our meal as a family. Days like today were rare before quarantine.

Sunday Dinner

After dinner, my best friend called me and told me he was outside. I forgot we had planned to go to a Hempstead Lake Park to walk around and see a few of our other friends. Of course we all took the steps we needed to take in order to stay safe.

Face Mask Car Selfie

We walked around for a few hours, cracking jokes, and talking about all the plans we have after quarantine is over. We walked by this pond that seemed so peaceful and so contrary to what was happening in the world around us. I stood there for a little, trying to take it all in as much as possible. Beautiful.

Quiet, Peaceful Pond