future thoughts…

So, last time, on TOTAL. DRAMA. ISLAND! Hahaha, that was a good show. Anyway, so I’ve had tons of time to think in this quarantine, one of my least favorite things to do because I feel like I over do it, about my future. I used to have a plan, as I said before, but just now I was talking with my brother, he doesn’t know it but he’s low key my best friend, and I think I came up with a plan for my future that I am content with at the moment. First, though, let me just say I hate that at 20/21 I have to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life. I feel like I am still an infant and should have more time to decide my future. I think people are forced to decide their futures way too early. Okay, so that’s off my chest, My plan is to graduate from college this upcoming year, hopefully having accomplished something or at least having 2 jobs. Then, I am planning to move to Massachusetts and work and live there for about a year or two and then go to grad school there. Ideally, I would like to be working in something that will eventually, either pay for me to go to grad school or support having flexible hours so that I can balance grad school and work. The only problem is that it always comes down to what do I wanna do for the rest of my life. I hate committing to something because then I feel like I’m trapped and I don’t like that feeling. I wanna do something that makes me happy and makes me want to wake up in the morning to go to work, but I would also really like to do something that pays me to help others. However, I would also like to get paid a decent amount of money so I can afford to buy the things I’ve dreamed about since I was a child. Unfortunately , I can’t have everything. I wonder if there are students reading this thinking, damn this girl needs serious help. HAHAHA. I crack myself up. I had a thought earlier, totally unrelated to this. What if, when we yawn it’s our soul screaming and when we suppress our yawns, you know how our eyes “reflexively” water? Well, it’s actually our bodies crying because we don’t listen to our souls/inner selves or whatever. But people didn’t like this and didn’t want others to know so they made up the whole thing about yawns being for oxygen to the brain and science-y stuff. I swear I’m not high, I just have random thoughts. Then I was thinking of the guy in the portrait in The Good Place, S1:E1 or E2. Well, this was slightly shorter than the last, I think. I should be doing my work….